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Organic Vegetables

Have you struggled with weight loss, muscle gain or other body composition goals? Tried a million diets with no success?


Nutrition plays a significant role in how we look, and how we feel. The reality of healthy eating is that we need to tap into our behavioural psychology and work towards creating new healthy habits that support our lifestyle goals. Fad diets, strict meal plans and gimmicks don’t work because they aren’t sustainable and don’t address WHY we eat a certain way. Coach Josh is a Precision Nutrition Certified Nutrition Coach and has helped many reimagine their relationship with food to achieve their body composition and lifestyle goals. 

Josh holds a PN Level 1 Nutrition Certification. 

Precision Nutrition (PN) advises organizations around the world, coaches elite athletes & sports teams, and has been featured in leading publications.


Josh holds a PN Level 1 Nutrition Certification. 

Precision Nutrition (PN) advises organizations around the world, coaches elite athletes & sports teams, and has been featured in leading publications.

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